Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday, Dec. 13 shortly after midnight. As I was walking through the airport heading toward the security line, I heard someone calling "Mr. Donegan, Mr. Donegan!" I assumed that I was about to be arrested and thrown into jail for the camel joke I told, but it turned out to be a teenager named Jeremy Renaud, a former Chamblee MS Magnet student! After 7th grade he moved to Saudi Arabia with his family, who work for Saudi Aramco. He's now a junior in high school at a boarding school in Switzerland. It seems that the schools for foreign employees end after 9th grade. He's home for Christmas. I have to confess that I didn't recognize him immediately, but he reminded me that he was my favorite student and that I was his favorite teacher. Obviously an intelligent boy.

If you haven't checked, do so. He's a lot better at this than I am.
I'm going to try again to post some pictures. Wish me luck!

If you send me a note using firstclass, be sure to include your email address if you want a response.

Now go study for finals (if applicable)

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Wow! That's really random. Almost like Kate running into a teacher in the Berlin airport only better.